Welcome to The Garden Network

Since 1993, our family-owned business has created a unique experience for all customers.  At The Garden Network, we love what we do! We want to help you experience the same joy, tranquility and creativity in the garden that we do. Whether you are just starting your first project or are a seasoned gardener, we will strive to help you along the way. We believe it is our job to facilitate your vision. All in all, we hope that you leave inspired and ready to get lost in your garden. 


9am - 6am : Monday - saturday

Closed on Sundays. We look forward to seeing you during operating hours.

Walk through our extensive display gardens. Ask about options to book guided tours for individuals, couples, families, or even small groups (children, youth, or adults)

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.” - Alfred Austin

VISIT us in frankford (ontario) TO BROWSE our INVENTORY


location & contact

57 Maybee Road
Frankford, ON K0K 2C0

(343) 263-5657 | benita.gardennetwork@gmail.com